About us

CardiOnline is a web and mobile application for cardiac rehabilitation at home. Our product will innovatively integrate the clinical pathways required for patient management.

For us, each person represents a separate entity to which all the necessary resources will be dedicated in order to live with courage and hope. The application will allow monitoring of signs and symptoms of the patient and interaction with the team of caregivers.

With our help you will become the person that any family needs to rely on. Be strong and contact us for more information.

Our team

We are a mixed team of doctors and engineers - 2 cardiologists, 2 senior mobile app developers and one experienced full stack developer in the web world

Stefan Busnatu

Ștefan Busnatu

CEO, Cardiologist, Co-Founder
  • M.D. Cardiology, Bagadasar-Arseni Emergency Clinical Hospital
  • PhD, Preventive Cardiology and Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • EAPC/ESC Secondary Prevention and Rehabilitation Section Member
  • Associate Professor, Vice-Rector UMFCD
  • Head of the Center of Innovation and eHealth, UMFCD


Octavian Belu

Octavian Belu

CTO, Web developer, Co-Founder
  • 10+ years of experience in web development
  • 5+ years of experience as a team leader
  • Full stack web developer
  • Open source enthusiast


Liviu Serbanoiu

Liviu Șerbănoiu

COO, Cardiologist, Co-Founder
  • Resident Physician in Cardiology, Bagdasar-Arseni Emergency Clinical Hospital
  • University Assistant, Faculty of Medicine, UMFCD
  • PhD student in cardiac telerehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, UMFCD
  • Master's student in Health Services, University of Bucharest
Marius Cucu

Marius Cucu

Mobile developer, Co-Founder
  • 6+ years of experience in mobile development
  • Android, iOS and Cross platform developer
Cristian Cristache

Cristian Cristache

Mobile developer, Co-Founder
  • 8+ years of experience in mobile development
  • Android, iOS and Cross platform developer